I don't know exactly what time I'm leaving Scot , I'm not as COOL and or ORGANIZED as Jeff. If I can't sleep when I get home from work I'd say I'll be rolling out about the same time as you, if I can get some sleep ( being the last good sleep of the week end !!

) I'll probably be rolling around 1:00 or 2:00 .
Fred , We'll get you some directions up soon ! I know how to get there but the last part I can't rember some of the streets .
This much I do know :
I-75 south to Ky 80 ( London Ky.)
Ky 80 West for about 4 1/2 miles
Turn right just before deli on hill ( access Rd. ) only about 100 feet long.
At stop sign Turn left ( i think this is ST. RT. 25 ??)
turn right at Motor Cross Track sign. ( can't remember the name of the road )
At Motor cross track entrance turn left onto gravel Rd. you'll pass several houses on the left going down the hill.
once at the bottom you'll cross a concrete culvert ( use caution if it is raining ) after the culvert you need to get on the skinny pedal you will have a rather tight left hand turn and then a very long grade to climb.
once at the top of the hill it will open up into a field , we will be camping on the right , as long as someone else is not there already. I have a 30 FT Tioga Motor home and has a Cinyoffroad windshield banner just look for it !!!
I'm sure someone else has some street names for you , I know Jeff or Jackmaster had ,at one time, a really good set of directions posted up.