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Old 05-17-2007, 12:32 PM   #3
Bear Chow
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oxford, Oh
Posts: 302
I'm confussed what tranny do you have now? I swapped an np435 on to a 2.5l jeep so I have a bit of experience.

Pull the current tranny asuming the bell housing is not casted as part of the tranny. Measure the stick out from the housing to engine bolt surface. Get yourself the tranny of choice. redrill the bell to mate to that tranny again measure the stick out from the housing to engine bolt surface agian and add a spacer to get the correct distance. If it's too short get the parts books out and find the closest tranny input shaft length. If it's too long get it machined down. Cobble some clutch parts together by reusing the same pressure plate and a 10 spline largest disk you can fit in it.

Simple it's going to cost you if you can't think out of the box. it's going to cost more if you can't turn your own wrenches. It's going to really really hurt if you don't take the time to measure, measure, measure.

Cough up some details of what you have now and I might be able to help you make some decisions.

First and formost you must decide if it's really worth it you're not getting out of this for less than a grand.
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