My build will be starting in a month or so , I have to stop remodeling the house and save some more $$$$$ , I have to buy a new TV and then it's on

I'm going to take my 99 GMC 2 door Jimmy and SAS it with a set of 79 Ford 3/4 tons on H-1's and 37's . Kicking aroud the front suspension right now. I was going to leaf it but the longer I wait I think I'm going to link it or Radius arm it ?????? I think it will be a least minute thing.... I want to keep this one street and trail . My plan is to then find an extended cab Sonoma and cut it up and make a Cab Truck on no less then 40's with Rocks or at least tons..... prolly never happen ( the second build,,,, that is) but it's always good to dream.