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Old 03-17-2010, 07:49 AM   #1
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Posts: 197
Battery boils and then blows up CJ7

Ok so you may have read my thread titled "My battery blew up today"

weeellll since then I checked the alternator and it was bad.

Parts replaced: Alternator, Starter solenoid, and new Red top Optima batttery.

Since the alternator was checked and it was bad I put a new one on and thought that solved the problem. SO the last month I have been swapping gears, adding a rear locker, shocks, making sure the beadlocks are tight ect.. getting ready to take this rig out for the first time this weekend.

Tonight I let the thing run for about 30 minutes to make sure everything was good for this weekend so I tuned my carb I just rebuilt and adjusted the timing. THE THING IS A BEAST I SWEAR haha

After running for 30 minutes and getting everything right and where I wanted it I shut it off and I hear it...the battery is sizzling again. DE JA VUE!

Soo I am here tonight wondering whats going on out in the barn.

what I am wondering is what the hell is going on with this thing?
I would love it if someone had a diagram of how to hook up a volt meter to each spot coming from the alternator to the battery showing the ammount of volts coming though at each spot. I mean am I out of options? I am tired of throwing money in something and just getting annoyed when I think I am finially done and ready to roll I am back at square one with a problem I thought I had solved.

By the way the battery only sizzels/smokes when the jeep is running. The battery and everything has been hooked up for over a month with no problems. I am just trying to think of everything I did to it just so everyone knows whhats going on and I want to make everything clear.

By the way its an 1981 CJ7 with a 304 V8

any ideas fellas??
Powerstrokes, Mustangs, and Jeeps.. oh my
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