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Old 03-17-2010, 10:59 AM   #5
thefuzz's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: southern ohio
Posts: 23
YEP ! if it has a exturnal regulator just GET RID OF IT COMPLETLY!! go get you a GM alternator and get a 1 wire kit for it and yer done.. or go to ANYPLACE that rebuilds alternators or starters and they probly already have 1 set up!! there so simple i use them on my farm tractors ,bobcat,my 2 old cars,and everything! 1 wire to run from back of alternator directly to positive post on batery, once the motor starts turning and reaches 200 RPMs it self ignites [ or starts charging] when the engine stops turning it stops and self disconects so it woun't discharge,,
Sgt Steve S.
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