Thread: Trail Report
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Old 06-01-2007, 09:23 PM   #18
krawlin85toy's Avatar
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Posts: 265
The livingston trip from my view started off, 1trailer tire blown before I even reached 275 on 75s. I had my driveshaft extend 2 far on sun. and come apart also. tried to climb a vertical wall and my fromt wheels were over but the rear of my skid plate hit i pushed in on the clutch and the front end unloaded. tried BIG WALLY with no luck, I carried the front wheel to the bottom.I tried pink rock again and made it this time unlike my last try where I tried to empty the bed of my runner. Some of the trails have seem to have become easier or nature has something to do with it!

We will need to find a new place to camp again! The owner sold the land to the Goverment and there is no motor vehicle traffic allowed in the field but you can set tents up! The ranger says we can set up on the 49 side but the first mile up is private owned. They also said with no time frame that they will be improving on the road up to the grave yard and all trails/roads to the left and right will be shut down to re-seed nature.
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