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Old 03-28-2010, 09:40 PM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 15
Many people didn't suggest it, thought i couldn't do it, or told me I should fix the XJ rather than the YJ. Well I did it with almost no help from anybody. I ended up parting out my XJ, making enough to cover this project completely. I bought a 92 YJ Motor, Trans, T-Case, Computer, and Wiring Harness, dropped it in the YJ without a problem. Spent many nights trying to figure out wiring and at last I got it to turn over. Now it is running but still needs some things finished and the doghouse put back on. This is the best upgrade that this jeep has ever had and I am glad that I continued on with this project even after being told by many people that it was a bad idea. If anyone is trying to do a 4.0 swap I may be able to help some and don't listen to people who have never done it before because they do not know what they are talking about.
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