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Old 04-01-2010, 01:33 PM   #1
pimpin' IS easy
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Union, KY
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**PLEASE READ** Important Announcement - CORE is shutting down.

Due to conditions outside the control of current members and officers, it has been brought to my attention that it is required that the CORE club be dissolved. This has been presented to me by our founding legal advisory staff. There has been a recent lawsuit come to light that directly involves the club in a major part of it. If the club dissolves now, the founding and current officers have much less to lose as far as legal ramifications are concerned.

This dissolving includes the club as its non-profit entity as well as any other dealings the club is involved in, including but not limited to, this forum and website in general.

Please be advised that this dissolution will be final and permanent as of midnight this Sunday, April 4th. This website will be offline and unavailable as of noon on saturday. Please make sure you get any information/pictures/data etc that you might need from here before then.

Sorry for the inconvenience this will cause, but there really is no other way around it. I have gone round and round with lawyers for 3 full days regarding this, and there is no way around it. It is a possibility that the club can be created again after this current situation has blown over, but for now it's not possible for it to be in existence. Some people have a lot to lose over this.

Thanks and please respond here if you have any questions or concerns regarding this, and I will do my best to answer them.

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