Another vendor to check is Queen City Polymers in West Chester. 513-779-0990 They are right around the corner from Ikea.
I typically price match between American metals, Queen City, and Piedmont. So far this year Piedmont has been the cheapest and seem to be easier to work with when dealing with smaller orders like a sheet or 6. The more you order the cheaper it is per sheet, maybe see if some friends want to go in on the order.
Its also worth asking if they have anything in the scrap bin that might work but from the sound of it you need a big piece.
Be sure you are getting a polycarbonate sheet instead of an acrylic sheet. The poly will hold up better, its less brittle and has better impact resistance than acrylic. Also its more forgiving during fabrication IE: you wont blow corners off or crack it when drilling bolt holes.
91 MJ Under construction