Originally Posted by sarge
I'm trying to get Jim ( Aftershock151) to sign up ! we're concerned about the power glide and rear gears in the Chevelle !!  for the street end of the rally anyway .
These events are a blast if done right ! I've done several in the Dayton area just for fun . some folks get really serious about these things, computers and multiple timers on board .....
Mike , how many road miles is this going to be ?
I might have to buy Jim a ring and Pinion 
Would love to see you and jim in it sarge... cool as hell.
Should be under 300 miles... no exact mileage set yet, but we want it finished in about 6 hours or so. We won't know the mileage and checkpoint set up til a few weeks prior... you guys wont know the checkpoints til you leave the start line... that's what makes it a navigator's race.