Thread: Lift laws
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Old 08-08-2010, 11:53 AM   #4
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Ohio is 22" bumper/frame height for "passenger" vehicles. "All other" vehicles go by GVWR, giving frame heights from 24-31". OAC 4501-43-04

The grey area is, what constitues a passenger vehicle, and what constitutes "other?"

ORC 4513.021 (2) says a “'Multipurpose passenger vehicle' means a motor vehicle ... constructed either on a truck chassis or with special features for occasional off-road operation."

So no doubt my XJ is "multipurpose." But is "multipurpose passenger" still "passenger," or is it "other?"

And if it's not "other," what is? The scale is from under 4500# to 10k, so we're not talking about heavy equipment here. My little unibody is almost 5k, for reference.

Hard to say. Badly written law.

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