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Old 08-31-2010, 07:37 AM   #20
Just tired
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Oh yea me and nature we go waaay back....Example: Had a spider in the doorway to the garage that looked about the size of a small cat that about stopped me from taking the x90 this morning. Should have seen me slowly going around the little bugger in case he decided to jump (do not laugh I've seen jumping spiders and they're not fun)..then I find another one has built a residence around the garage door handle so i use my shoes (flip flops) to knock him/it down. I really don't do spiders in case you can't tell. Pretty much the more legs it has; the less I like it. I mean seriously how can a millipede even be real. I mean putting shoes on alone must take her 3 hrs a day. :) ick

Yea ok, I'm done. You can now return to your normally scheduled routine....
I want to be the reason you look down at your phone and smile........then walk into a pole.
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