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Old 10-01-2010, 11:58 AM   #9
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I used two containers of the .2 gram airsoft pellets in mine two years ago. I took 5 12 oz beer/pop cans, cut the top off and divided it equally between them. Dumped one can in each tire and had great luck. I am running 38 TSLs and H1 so I figured they would be more out of balance than your typical rim and tire, so there is probably more weight then necessary. It came out to around 14 ozs per tire.

Just last night I had to take one apart to get it patched and the pellets and all looked great. I've also never had any balancing issues with them.
1994 YJ, 4.0, 5 speed.

*2006 Dodge 2500 Cummins, 4x4 Auto,Quad cab, LongBed, Tekonsha Prodigy(Tow Rig)
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