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Old 10-30-2010, 09:13 PM   #4
93 Krawler
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Originally Posted by jwend View Post
I can not get this damn thing bled!!!! I have been through a gallon and a half of PS fluid and still no solid movment! anyone know any tricks?!? thanks
I assume since you have more than a gallon of ps fluid in it that you have an external reservoir. It has to be the highest point in the system or you will always have problems. If you have a cooler, make sure the lines are not vertical. The round tube end can trap air. Is the box tapped correctly?

If all that is right, then it should bleed fairly easy.
PSC reccommends raising the tires off the ground and cycling the wheels back and forth slowly. After no change in the levels, crank the engine over but disable it from starting. Repeat until no air comes up.
I tried that, and I got tired of waiting. I cycled, then started it for a few seconds. Checked the fluid, and repeated. Depending on the throw of the ram, you might have to take one side off and make sure it extends and retracts fully. If it starts to foam up, let it sit. If all this doesn't work, then there's a blockage or the ram seals are junk.
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