Originally Posted by gothodgie
...and it is pre charred since it was behind my garage when it burnt dow 2 years ago...
Awww, that's nice of you to go to all that trouble to dry out the wood for a nice crackly fire...
(I only joke because I recall you saying that insurance was good to you... personally, I would be devistated if my garage full of parts went up in smoke)
Hamilton Co. does prohibit moving wood across county lines... Mom and Dad have a big assh ASH tree in the backyard, I keep waiting for those darned bugs to get there.
Guess I need to check with Clermont now that I live there...
Speaking of pesky animals: Sea Lamprey... (Dirty Jobs?) HOLY COW... what an F-ed up fish...
ps - if anyone makes it this far in my post.. I'll see you around the campfire on Friday night. It's quite possible that you'll see me in rare form.