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Old 01-13-2011, 01:03 PM   #24
93 Krawler
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I've been there about 4 times. I was told the name was Shelton's Farm. Don't take anything you don't want scratched up real bad. Some of the trails are very tight. If DTOR is worse than this, I'll make sure I don't go there. There are some good hills, and the creek is alright. It's not very challenging for a capable rig, unless it's muddy. If I wasn't 25 mins away, I wouldn't go there. It's cheap and close to me. It is small, mostly farm land...

This is where I got the Cliff Diver name. We were coming back up the creek and went up this little hill to the left of the S bend and ended up dropping back in the creek from a 10' to 12' drop off. I was lucky the truck didn't flip over. I somehow punched the gas when the truck hit nose first and ended up on all fours. I told the owner someone is going to get killed there, so he dragged a bunch of trees in front of it.

No waivers. Tool Man got his semi and 52' trailer in there, so there is plenty of room for trailers. It's 10 bucks a person. No bathrooms, just the great outdoors...
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