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Old 03-18-2011, 10:00 AM   #8
The best damn Engineer!!!
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Fairfield
Posts: 135
I have attached the current revision of the rules. These are available the day of the competition. Changes from last year include time limits to stage your vehicle. Basically we want run an efficient event and this will ensure that we can.

Our site is currently down. We are moving to a new host and for some reason there are issues. I don't know what is going on I am not website builder so I don't know anything about that.

If you want IOK Rock information you need to visit However, that to is still under development, but it is up. We are adding pics, videos, and such. There is basic information about the events. The rules should be available there as well in the near future.

Anytime you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Feel free to email me at
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IOK_Rock_Rules_03-18-2011.pdf (82.0 KB, 345 views)
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