Originally Posted by philjbergman
One of our distributers had tubes, tried them yesterday and seem to work fine. Yea, I've been to Harlan a few times since you came. More geared towards trucks now though, seems like you are too. I'm going to Wellsville this saturday and we're going down to harlan for southen shine weekend next month. Should have traded the renegade for a RZR! We would have given you a good deal! Let me know when you want this Robby Gordan RZR 4 in our showroom, we'll trade that rhino in on it. 
I ended up just swapping the loan collateral over to the rhino and keeping the loan unchanged, I would like something with more power, but this will be paid for come February and in the next 2 months will putting an exo on it as well as a cage in the rear. I like the RZR4, only seen one on the trails once and seemed like the wheelbase was way too long for the limited ground clearance that they have for trails around here might be nice in the dunes though. Sounds like your sami has made a lot of progress since the last time I seen it. I am picking up my tracker tomorrow and taking it on a shakedown trip to haspin this weekend to try out the massive amount of upgrades that have been done to it since late last year. Was going to go to Spring Shine, however it didn't work out, but am going to Crawl 4 Christ in June at harlan and Fall Crawl for sure