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Old 05-12-2011, 12:17 PM   #1
The best damn Engineer!!!
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Rock Competition, IOK Rock 2011 Spring Test-n-Tune

Rock Competition, IOK Rock 2011 Spring Test-n-Tune

We’re at it again our 2011 season is set to open on Saturday May 21, 2011.

May 21 (Saturday) – Rock Competition @ IOK Fourwheeler’s Spring Test-N-Tune
Gate Opens 8:00AM
Competitor Registration 8:30AM – 10:00AM
Late Registration 10:00 – 10:30 / Late Registration Fee = + $10
Competition Starts 12:00 (Noon)
*This is our Spring Test-N-Tune weekend we will be hosting Pro-Truck Nationals on Friday evening and Saturday all day @ the same time as our rock crawl.
Rock Competitor Registration Fee = $35
General Admission = $10 per person ($5 ages 6 – 12 / 5 & under Free)
Camp Site Fee = $20 per person ($10 ages 6 – 12 / 5 & under Free)

If you have a rig bring it down we have people compete with their daily drivers, dedicated trail rigs, to competition rigs / buggies. We will find a Class for competitors to compete.

We always pay First and Second places in each class, so long as there are at least 4 competitors in your class. Amount of payout depends on how many total competitors we have registered.

Check,, or (search for Gravelrama, IOK Rock, Hillbilly Proud, Wombat, etc) for footage of past events.

We are located approximately 30minutes west of Cincinnati in Cleves (Gravelrama site) @ the intersection of Route 128 and 50, near the Indiana Ohio border.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IOK_Rock_Rules_04-18-2011.pdf (82.4 KB, 303 views)
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