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Old 11-17-2011, 07:48 AM   #2
Bear Chow
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oxford, Oh
Posts: 302
Replacing a tub, is not too difficult but could be a long process. Prepare yourself for all the accessorie items that you are going to replace. Like fuel tank straps, body mounts, exhaust hangers. Practically every bolt and nut and grommet. You also have a high risk of tweeking or cracking brake and fuel lines.

Set yourself up where you can lift the body off with a hoist or come-a-long this will back the extraction much easier. I wouldn't even start unless you've got a good tap set. And know that once you start tearing into it you'll see other problems and be driven to correct or modify them. Especially in the wiring department.

As far as how long it would take will depend on your motivation, being the first one I would not expect you will finish in a long weekend. I'm not discouraging you, I'm just a realist. I've seen too many project sitting because some one has gotten things apart but never put them back together.

Good luck.
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