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Old 11-19-2011, 12:36 AM   #12
The best damn Engineer!!!
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Location: Fairfield
Posts: 135
I just did a frame off on an 83 CJ7 with a Fiberglass tub.

Watch the cheap glass tubs, they aren't the trouble. They are thin and flimsy and in most cases aren't reinforced in areas that need to be, like where the seats mount and the steering / brake MC location. You really want to use one that is double lined.

If your going fiberglass use a bus bar for your grounds. It makes it very nice and tight setup, one place for grounds to run to. I put one in the cab section and engine compartment, just run a heavy gauge wire between the two and then one to the frame and your set.

Other than that it is a straight forward swap. I think the one watch out in mounting a glass tub is you need to either move or bridge the mounts for the 3 body mount. They make kits for it.

Also invest in some rocker gaurds they will strengthen your body immensly. Some of the older tubs are prone to cracking near the door opening.

Good Luck!!!
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