Thread: livingston ky
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Old 11-19-2011, 08:28 AM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Berea, KY
Posts: 61
Kind of hard to post all the info from my iPhone so I will get access to a pc later this weekend. In short, at the first of the year we had a meeting with the London office Of The USFS as one of our members is a retired LEO out of that office and we wanted to discuss the new maps they published online, destruction of pink rock and all of the trees they cut down over various parts of 909.

In short, 909 is no longer a state unmaintained road and has been given to the USFS, USFS had plans to close it off later this year. A couple of months back they went in with an earth mover and placed huge boulders that 40"s would have a hard time with blocking key parts of 909 such as right before the stairsteps.

They are patrolling heavily down there and the same member posted a picture on the secure side of our site (Krawlers) showing a USFS TAHOE stuck in a small rain created rut. The LEO must of been proud of getting stuck and posted it on his FB site. This was on the MX track side near the low bridge.

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