I wrestled with the suspension seat vs Kirky thing for awhile and just decided with a flat belly it would be too tall with suspension seats. As it is now I should have around 5-6"s of head clearance. A suspension seat would easily fit the drivers side but wouldn't work well on the passenger side because of the transfercase. The Bilsteins should absorb most of the hits unless I land hard on the belly skid. Thanks for the replys. I can't wait to see as a roller. Shouldn't be too long.
All 1.75" except the windshield braces. I will be adding some more 1.75 and 1.25" gussets here and there. The belly is framed in 1/4 wall and the rest is .120 wall.
06 Toyota 4Runner
Last edited by Drivermod; 12-31-2011 at 08:16 PM.