Thread: Child custody
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Old 03-09-2012, 06:53 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Kettering OH
Posts: 61
Allegedly shared parenting is only available if both parties can work together and put aside their differences for the best interest of the child(ren.) Having to force one side to this agreement shows the court that it is not going to work that way.

If you have the cash to fight it and the divorce is not final refuse to agree to any settlement unless you get shared parenting. If it cannot be resolved then the court decides and you stand a chance of getting custody. If you aren't willing to accept full custody in lieu of shared parenting they probably won't give you shared parenting even if she agrees to it....
You can fight back for this after the divorce is final but if you have already agreed to give her custody once and as that decision is supposed to be made "in the best interest of the child" then you are starting off way behind.

Good luck..
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