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Old 03-11-2012, 05:55 PM   #1
Splattt- you want some
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Mason,Oh
Posts: 692
Help out those in Pinner Ky from Tornado Ride

Those of you around Cincinnati might have heard of Bubba fest that is held at Bubba place in Pinner Ky. He is trying to put together a ride at his place on March 31 weekend. 20 bucks a head for the weekend. He is trying to get tickets printed up and all the money will go to the people of Pinner that was hit by the Tornado.
I will try to get more info on where to buy the tickets ( normally at Ft Mitchell Hardward store). Great way to give your support and help out your fellow man and help out.

I know it is short notice but is another way to help out and have some fun too.

84 Honda cr60r - for sale
87 Honda 200sx - for sale
67 Mustang fastback - under restoration MCA #63430
04 Silverado 2500 crew cab
87 sami - "SPLAT"
87 sami tin top - "Blue Fire"
88 sami - "Squirt"

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