Thread: Child custody
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Old 03-12-2012, 12:50 PM   #16
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Kettering OH
Posts: 61
I have shared parenting but she only gets the kids the time specified in the standard order of visitation: every Wednesday and every other weekend. The only reason it is listed as "shared parenting" is for her to avoid paying me child support. I assure you she pays no child support although I have the kids about 70% of the time just as if I had "custody."

With shared parenting the judge has more discretion to eliminate/amend/or alter child support whereas there is little to no leeway when one parent has full custody, according to the worthless POS I have to deal with at CSEA with my spousal support.

In Ohio shared parenting is not supposed to be forced as a guideline, but obviously judges do what they want half of the time as it is a guideline, not a requirement.
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