Thread: Hummer rims
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Old 09-09-2007, 12:57 PM   #6
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Oxford
Posts: 21
I agree, that is a hack job. Is that 3/8 plate ?

The water jet boys (guys I used to work with and now have a Booming business !!) charge me about $100 bucks an hour and I am their friend !!! I think their cheapest machine cost 1/4 million dollars though. They can easily hold .01-.015 on 3/8 and it looks machined, heck they held that on the 3/4" steering arms I had made for my rockwells. However, I will contact Stazworks, I think the pressed centers will look better and maybe stronger with less weight. John did a real good job on my beadlocks for the M715.

I cant think of anyone right off who could use the Deuce parts. Dont scrap them though, will find someone.

Last edited by 502EFI; 09-09-2007 at 01:00 PM.
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