I will say that aside from having crappy leaf packs to start with, I've had no issues from the rear(I do run a traction bar though)... whereas up front I've had to do the following:
-Replace every single one of my joints at least once(I went with Ballistic joints first time around. Never again, they build bull**** and they have poor company ethics and you'll be lucky to ever get your stuff)... now running Ruffstuff 1.25" heims without issue.
-My bumpstops that I used actually had one stretch over the factory bump mount which kinda sucks. Not a big deal though, $60 IIRC at Jegs.
-I have LH/RH threads on my lower links and upper link... I've caught them trying to come loose a couple times. Check things regularly... if not then drive in the snow and make sure they get rusted in place... not coming loose now
The primary reason I did leafs the first time is that they're simple(backed up by the fact that I had the rear mocked up and done within a week or so... vs several weeks for the linked front), I didn't have to cut the frame at the hump(I was pretty nervous about doing this with a 110v welder), and frankly I really like the look of the shackles out back.
FWIW Brad Kilby has a leaf sprung rear TJ and it evidently works pretty well.
If you want some inspiration, look up on Pirate for stuff involving "Covered Wagon 4x4" or something to that effect... it's nothing but a group of badass leaf sprung vehicles.
Well set up leaves will work way better than poorly set up links. That said you'll probably spend close to as much $$ finding out what makes your leaves work well as you would in up front costs for all the joints/tubing/threaded inserts/coil springs and in the end you need to buy good shocks no matter which setup you go with.
One thing that bugs me about my leaves is that one of the front spring hangers is about 1/4" further forward than the other, so sitting on flat ground the right side is lower than the left. It also affects spring rate because of the (very) slight difference in shackle angle. It's a relatively easy fix, but I'm going to fix it by just cutting the whole Jeep up again... this time new motor and everything
edit: If you want to come check out my Jeep in person/go for a ride just send me a PM.