Mortgage Refinance
So I am thinking about paying my mortgage using pennies every month, until my bank agrees to refinance it.
We have been trying to refiance through the HARP program which is designed for responsible folks who are underwater from declining property values to enable them to take advantage of the low interest rates of today. But since my current bank / mortgage owner, Union Savings Bank, doesn't participate I get to pay them an extra ~$200 per month. (Most likely I will never do business with them again because of this, otherwise we are very pleased with the service.)
So the reason for this post is if you have refianced recently using the HARP program post up some contact info for your loan officer. Let me know if it was easy to do or a PITA. I am stricking out trying to find a bank that does open access, either people don't do them anymore or they only do FannieMae. From what I have read I am 100% eligible. For some reason since my current mortgage is a balloon loan that hasn't reached its maturity date I am not eligible for some reason but I can not find that anywhere on the FreddieMac website that states that.
Let me know.