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Old 09-11-2012, 10:44 AM   #9
The best damn Engineer!!!
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Fairfield
Posts: 135
I would so love to do it but my wife informed me of a federal case where someone did a similar thing to pay for a ticket and the mayors court denied the payment because of the burden or similar to physically count it all. Supposedly went up to the Supreme Court and they ruled on the mayors court side. Said she heard of it at one of her CALEA conferences she attended, police accredidation stuff.

But I would so love to do it just to make a point. Buy the pennies from my bank unroll all of it and take it in there with a wheel barrel pour it all over the floor. Maybe I should start with quarters then gradually go to pennies.


I have actually contacted my congressman to share my disgust over the issue with respect to the program. I don't expect much to happen but its worth a shot, you never know.
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