Who is going to iok swap meet and what u buying/selling
Its next wknd the 6-7 of october.
Im bringing:
A dirtbike, a artech truss/ram mount for a chevy dana 60, a set of 36 inch swampers( the goofy sand tread/allterrain road ones), a new highlift 48", some kc daylighters, and three electric fans ..a ten inch and two 14s or 16s..idk.
Looking for: old jeep grills, spring perches, xj leaf springs, and some moonshine if its quality and not cut. Also looking for a guy that came with a yj but wants to leave with a dirtbike...
Im gonna camp and grill friday night and pluck on the banjo. I ussually come alone but i like it enuff that i still do it even though its just me.ill be the guy on crutches and a leg brace so thats how u can identify me.
Anyone else going? And what are you selling/buying?
my next rig will be on the trail before zuk 2.0 will
Last edited by yellowjacket; 09-30-2012 at 04:15 PM.