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Old 10-15-2012, 02:31 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by 93 Krawler View Post
Just got back from Harlan. They pushed a bunch of dirt in front of the waterfall and covered about 3/4 of it. All you got now is all the way to the left by the tree.

They added a few more obsticals too. Hope you guys have better luck than we did. There was broken parts everywhere...
WTF are they doing? The right side was doable for someone on a fairly decent build. I know Harlan is a hardcore rig paradise, but how many seriously built up rigs are out there versus the mildly to mid built guys on 33-35" tires? There is nothing in Harlan anymore for anyone unless you're a minimum of 40s on tons... and that's pushing it. So if you're not hardcore, you're stuck riding around on smooth gravel roads. There is nothing in between. Last I heard even something as easy as Fish Fossil has gotten near impossible to get out on the exit.
Just another three linked stretched '95 YJ on 38s with a bunch of stuff scattered on the garage floor.
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