Trip report of our weekend at the crawl. Jimmy C (runoveru2) and I got down there on Friday morning meet up with Ben and Billy (can't remember their usernames on here) and hit the trials. First up with Railbed. The big pile of dirt is gone from left side of the waterfall, but they have filled in some of the big hole on right of the rock (facing the waterfall). We ran that and took the first exit on the Left do avoid an inprogress trail fix at the normal exit. Next we hit Killin Time, which has gotten way more difficult than it was earlier this year. We all had to give it hell in a few spots to get through. We proceed to go to Grapevine where Ben had an issue on the left exit and blew up a rear ring and pinion and bent a leaf spring, unfortunately his weekend was done. After we got him back to camp, Jimmy and I went out and scouted the exits for Your Turn, all of which looked nasty, so we decided to run Crawfords Cry instead.
I remember the converation on the CB. Jimmy -this doesn't look too bad. Me - Look at the top, its more difficult than you think. Look at the map, its a class five. Jimmy - doesn't look like it. were going.
Jimmy went right through making it look easy! about 3/4 of the way up I had all kinds of issues, Got turned completely sideways Austin Powers style, couldn't go forward or backwards cause of dirt wall, and had a big ledge right next to the tires on the downhill side. And we now had company 2 more yota's were coming up the trail. It took two winches and about an hour to spin my rig 90 degrees and get it pointing down the hill. Unfortunatly during the recovery, my lights came out we forgot to get them out of the back of one of the rigs that helped winch me around. So night wheeling was limited.
After that adventure we went and ran trouble and few other trails an stopped to watch some of the buggies go through Lions Den and play on Little Jagger.
Saturday started out on mason Jar, which resulted in more carnage. About half way through Jimmy snapped a front main leaf. So we rachet strapped it back together and made our way back to camp. For the rest of the day we went around and watched some good action on the exits of Your Turn, Little Jagger, Cream Puff and Railbed.
Later that night I ran into a group of guys camping next to us and ran fish fossil with them. that trail is totally different than it was a few months ago and tI guess they did something to the exit because it was doable at night (with one headlight even) on little 35's. Just requires a lot of throttle and a little bouncing.
All in all it was a good trip, lots of carnage, no real traffic Jams. Hopefully we will see Ben, Billy and their friends with us on the trail again.