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Old 10-21-2012, 08:34 PM   #48
Adrenaline Junkie
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Hamilton, Ohio
Posts: 702
Had a Awesome time this weekend even with it being cut short, its always a good time with Jim (Beergogles). Ben and Bill it was fun 1st time wheeling with you also, too bad it was cut way too short for you guys. Get a new Ring & Pinion and get a hold of me so we can make sure everthing is set up right. This has to be the first time Beergogles didn't make it up the same trail as I did, (Crawfords Cry), 99% of the time where I go he goes and vice/versa, crawfords cry lives up too its name cause my last name is crawford and i was ready to cry this morning due to body aches trying to get outa bed this morning due to Tim Cameron style Skinny pedal rock bouncing up Crawfords Cry. We had planned on me running Lions Den after Mason Jar but my main front leaf decided to let go at Mason Jar. Videos turned out pretty good, have a lot of Jim(beergogles) on a lot of different obsticals,( jim always puts on a good show for the camera), also have good pics of him sideways on Crawfords Cry and Ben breaking rear ring & Pinion. Will give all of this too Kevin at next Core meeting. Will try to post up some pics soon, I'm not very good at that stuff.
No need for a Winch...You just have to make it !!
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