Thread: My Place
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Old 10-27-2012, 07:43 PM   #90
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 147
Figured I will add a little update. Found a new logging trail from the bottom to the top. Had it going in one weekend. There were no large trees on it just saplings and sticker bushes. I was amazed to still find a full trail. It dropped into a ravine and the entrance grew a lot. I also found a couple flat spots in that area which is rare. I have been looking for the best spot to make a play area and thats it. Got a little loop around so far. This is prime trail cutting season for me so I will be hard at it doing what I can to add more trails. I will be doing more walking also to scout out trail options.

The Wildcat has been great. No comparison to my VW railbuggys. They are great for some places but not what I needed for my property. My trail options were already getting limited with them but with the Wildcat I have so much more. I had s string of bad luck with the rails breaking. The Wildcat has done good. So far broke an axle and bent a trailing arm. Not bad considering how I treat it. I started babying the buggys and kept breaking.

I dunno why but yellow jackets have been very bad this year. I have found at least 4 ground nests so far and been stung every damn time. I never notice them till I get stung

Still open for people to come check it out. Let me know and we can plan for a weekend
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