well. been a while. the vids posted was its last time out a while ago.
hopefully gonna make a new cross member for it at work this week, slap it on and meet you all at big rock this sunday with it.
but i did pick up a trussed 14 bolt set up for 4 link and a matching 8 lug 10 bolt for it.
Jonesy and I bought Jwends old tubing bender so come spring, i plan on back halfing it and 4 linking the rear. saving up and collecting parts this winter to start the build in the spring. for the time being, just gonna wheel it as it till it breaks for good.
plan is disc brakes on the 14ff, 4 linked with either air shocks or coil overs, tubing out from behind the rear seat back, dove tailing the rear body work and keeping most of all my sheet metal back there. wheel base should stay about the same i hope, maybe only a few inches longer but not much.
beat up rusted out k5