Just my opinion so take it for what it's worth .... find an 8.8 out of a 95+ Explorer for the rear and put a full locker in it . Chromo the front 30 and put a soft locker in it .
This set up will allow you to run 36"-37" meats and still DD and you'll be able to enjoy it more then once a month on a trail run. wheel it like this and get used to it and then in a year or so go full width 60's and make it a trail only rig. You will be able to recover most of your $$ by selling the built 30 and 8.8 combo , it's a very popular set up for a reason.
The price on 8.8's has come down drastically in the last few months , they can be found all over the web from $100 -$250 , Add a link kit and spring buckets for another Couple of hundred bucks , $400 for a locker and for under a grand your done with the rear ( and say good buy to that POS D-35)
For about $700 you can boost up that 30 and be as strong as a 44 so why bother swaping it out .
This is the state that I'm in now ! why swap my set up for anything but a 60 combo. A HP44/60 combo is not going to to yield much more strength. I've had my eyes on a 60/60 combo for a while now and one of these days the guy might take my offer. until then the 30/8.8 combo stays. I have beat the wizz out of mine and I don't even have chromo's in the front.
OK flame on !