I do not think it is a good idea to pay someone to work on your jeep if you are going to wheel it hard.
Reason why is that you do not know how it was built. You most likely not know how to fixed it if it brakes out on the trail. That means someone else is going to have to fix it for you so you can get home. I know there are a few people that have rigs built for them b/c of not haveing time to build it them selfs but for a new wheeler they should try to do there mods or get a buddy to help.(there are lots of people on here that would help out just for a cold drink and a smile)
As for what and how to build you jeep. I would go with sarge and jet. Put a bigger rear axle(8.8, 9in :( dana 44) and with the lift and tires you have you will be able to go a lot of places. Add lockers and 34-36in tires and you will be able to go most places.