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Old 01-22-2013, 08:32 PM   #1
They call me......Scuba
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Burlington, KY
Posts: 292
Cage building question

so, i am building a full cage for my blazer. first time ever building one from scratch. i have installed a kit cage and modified it to my liking, but never built one totally before.

i have the main bars in the rear done, but now i need to do my front portion. the two options i can see are:

1. do a roof Halo and two down bars that attach to it

2. two bars that attach to the frame, go across the roof then attach to the main hoop with a spreader along the top of the windshield instead of doing a whole halo bar

I had honestly planned on doing mine the 2nd way because that is how i have seen it done, but after some thought and looking online to kinda get idea's i think the Roof halo will be easier to pull off one shot and not have to do a compound bend on the front bars. but is one way better, or the "right" way?
beat up rusted out k5
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