Originally Posted by 93 Krawler
When I first did my SAS, I had a cv shaft made to fit the stock 241 flange. I killed the cv first trip to Harlan, so I improvised. I bought a 1350 205 u-bolt style yoke, took the stock 241 flange and cut the end off so the 241 and 205 were the same length as the stock 241 yoke. After some grinding, it got better angles than the original CV did. I also had to notch the cross member so the shaft didn't hit it as the front end drops out. I'm sure I could have had a high dollar cv shaft made, but this way cheaper. The joints do wear more than usual because of the steeper angle, so I use the Moog 231 super joint that has a lifetime warranty from most parts stores. Advance seems to have the most stores, so I use them. Good luck with your build.
Some good tech right there. :shake: I've been clued in from some other friends that a newer 2500/3500 Dodge front d-shaft is 1350 from the factory, so if I can source one of those and the 205/208 flange, and grind for some more clearance, I'll be GTG.