05-10-2013, 02:27 PM
Mechanical Animal
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Originally Posted by Little Jeep
I'll bring this very old and very dead thread back to life......
There is a new OHV Park opening in Henry County Kentucky.... in fact, it is the same land and trails that Hillz & Hollarz once operated. There is ZERO connection to the old H&H except the trails/land is the same. If you ever wheeled on this land, you know that the trails are awesome.
Here is a link to the facebook page:
There is also another new OHV Park called Horseshoe Bend, which is located in nearby Owen County. You could do one park one day, and the other park the next. Horseshoe Bend has a Facebook page as well.
BTW, I have no connection to either park, I am simply posting the fact that two new OHV Parks have opened in the same area. We don't hear of this happening too often.
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