Thanks again, Lisa...
I still don't get this:
2e.) ...all such motor vehicles must be brought onto the premises on a trailer and must be taken from the premises on a trailer. No such motor vehicle may be driven onto or driven from the premises where the activity is to take place. This shall include, but not be limited to, such activities as four wheeling; mud runs; moto-cross; cross country racing and any and all other such activities in which motor vehicles are so involved
I just don't understand how any county can pass a regulation banning my legal, licensed, and insured vehicle from their road.
The whole thing just reeks.
Unfortunately, I really doubt that 1,000 pissed off wheelers calling to complain is really going to change anybody's mind. Those local politicans don't care a whit what we think, they don't answer to us.
I just hope Joe has some recourse if/when they do shut him down, to recover the investment he made in good faith...