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Old 08-17-2013, 01:56 AM   #50
Splattt- you want some
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Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey View Post
Oh, I know it's a long way from complete. Just a start...

I've ridden the fenceline trail, but I don't know where it is. Are you saying from the top of the bone to the east and then south?

And what/where are the "Double L's?" We're headed back on the 24th, we can try n cover new ground.

Thanks for the input!

Fence line - if you go up the bone and go straight so the fence is on your left side.. follow it around.. there is like a huge ass crack that most have to go around but normally will swallow your rig off camber (body damage).. before you get to a red fence. then continue keeping the fence on your left...

Double L trees are off the main trail go passed the turn off for the shoe tree ( just past the little pyramid hills) like you going to clay hill, there is trail on the left that will take you over to it... Leroy is a big fan hanging out there... I always seem to get lost in finding it..

Pink line= fence line... I had another better pix with it all mapped out but need to find it again...


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Last edited by 67fastback; 08-17-2013 at 02:07 AM.
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