Originally Posted by kentuckytwostep
All I've got to say is don't go without a guide... my first time there I drove around for 6 hours before I ever found rock worth playing on. I guess you OH folks are use to that though. 
Dayum, he didn't go there!
Originally Posted by 93 Krawler
3 weeks left. Anyone else want to join us? 
I'm going with a group out of the Louisville area and we'll be there from Wed until at least Friday, possibly may do a run on Saturday-Sunday as well if my junk is still in one piece.
As far as the tow, it's not that bad at all. My tow rig is a 5.7 Hemi gasser Durango and I've made the trek twice since I got the rig and trailer. If that heavy pig can haul ok, then you guys with real tow rigs won't have any issues at all!