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Old 09-20-2013, 02:58 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Coppertop View Post
Hmm,guess I'll pick one up today and see what it's about.

You gotta read the original article, Cheap Truck Challenge, from a couple issues ago:
93 LandCruiser
89 XJ
77 F150
Head to head

Basically, they gave each guy $2013 to buy a rig, $2013 to fix it up, and ran em head to head. The XJ (of course) cleaned everybody's clock. But to be nice about it, they basically said "Everybody's a winner!" like we were hangin out with Barney or something.

I called em on it!

Pfft. You guys suck! That touchy-feely, everybody's-a-winner BS is for hippies. Contests have winners! Call one!

The pay-way ecks-jay took two out of three challenges, and was the only rig that actually got itself to the trail. How "cheap" is it to budget a towrig and trailer?

Yeah, the Ford is cool looking, but if that's what mattered most, you coulda held the "challenge" at the mall!

XJ for the win.
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