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Old 11-02-2013, 10:31 PM   #103
the gimp
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 26
yup I had fun. I was surprised the zj did as well as she did. Sorry for taking off but tyranny pan ended up getting crack when I smacked on a rock that's why she wad slipping I was losing all my fluid. I found out a few mile down the road. Good thing I had a Extra pan and a buddy willing to bring it to me. It was that dam rock pile and that lege. I got stuck and had to back up and I came down hard on rock. I thought it hit body that why I got out check her out. But nope it got my tyranny pan. Lol but I get my 31s and ditch those 235s and do my short arms ill go again. I was able to see how this zj handled and some of its limits. Glad I got the v8....gotta love that low end torque
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