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Old 11-20-2013, 08:47 AM   #1
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Cracked trans case - Honda Odyssey

Wife was out last night with her friends and called me saying there was a puddle of red fluid under her '07 Honday Odyssey. Had her drive it the 15 minutes home and when she got home casually mentioned running over something on the freeway but didn't seem like a big deal. After looking at it she hit something pretty substantial to the point it put a hairline crack in the trans case and dented the box tubing of the crossmember, including destroying the plastic bottom cover.

There is a hairline crack about 1/2" long that is leaking fluid on the cast aluminum case. My first thought was to try to seal up this crack. What is everybody's recommendations for this?

Planning on draining the fluid to stop the leak, clean up the area and probably run a die grinder or dremel over the crack and rough up the surrounding area, then some sort of epoxy or sealant. JB Weld, silicone based sealer, epoxy, or ?????
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