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Old 11-21-2013, 07:52 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey View Post
Did that make sense in your head before you typed it?
Sure the **** does.. So you have a responsibility as a driver to insure yourself and vehicle. If it would happen to be damaged by a person with out insurance yours would pick up the cost right. No difference to me the state has to be insured as well. But they are self insured by everyone's tax, gas tax, federal tax sales tax, **** name it they will not forget to get what they think they deserve. To put in their greedy damn pockets. I'm sure by your statement your one of the people that help the dumb ass get voted in here in OHIO a working man state. Some people ****ing kill me. Because I made a suggestion to someone who seemed to be asking a question. That's why I think most people are ****ing ****s...
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