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Old 11-27-2013, 07:35 AM   #9
Bear Chow
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Oxford, Oh
Posts: 302
New Price Christmas Special

As many of you may have seen in the Moose Sign thread, my family has been stricken by a tragedy.

Know that Robyn is in Rehab now and we have a tentative date to return home in early December and I must admit we are in need of collecting resources for the impending bills.

This little bike would make a great Christmas gift for your little one. It has not been started for quite a while the fuel is probably bad and the carb is probably in need of a good cleaning. I will not, nor do I have the time to do either of those right now. It did run and ran well when it was parked.

A little bit of cash will take it home you'll need to put little work into it to get a smile on your sons or daughters face. It is still located in Oxford.

$500 OBO I most likely will not turn down a reasonable offer.

Call me at 513-703-0296 or email me at

Happy holidays and all that.

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