I just found this on their fb page:
closed the group due to spam so if you want to join hit me up and add your email to the group.
Black Mountain Off-Road Adventure Area
Hello Everyone! Well the end of another year is in sight. Here at the Black Mountain Off Road Adventure Area we are making big plans for the upcoming year with new trails and projects. While we dislike having to increase our prices we find it a necessity to do so to improve and expand. Effective January 1, 2014 the price for permits will be as follows:
Yearly (Visitors) : $50.00 (includes a free map)
Yearly: (Local- valid official I.D. required)- $40.00
Family Plan: 1st Vehicle- $50.00. 2nd- $40.00 and each additional- $35.00
31 Day: $30.00
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and hope that you understand this price increase is for the advancement and expansion of the area. We will continue to strive to provide a quality place to ride with a family environment.
Thank You
Black Mountain Offroad Adventure Area Staff